902 Enterprise Way - Suite M, 94558 Napa, CA
(707) 259-1877
Rancagua, AV. Las Torres, 90 - Región O’Higgins - CHILE
+56 72 234 2327
RUT 76.236.446-8
Mendoza, Alsina 2550 Gral. Gutierrez Maipú - ARGENTINA
+549 0261 4318666
CUIT 30-71311970-5
Travesía Don Quijote, nave 13. 13700 Tomelloso. Ciudad Real. España
0034 926 102 885
CIF:. B-13622899
Sede legale: Via Nassar, 37 – 37029
San Pietro in Cariano, Verona - Italy
via Mirandola, 49/A - ZAI 37026
Settimo di Pescantina - Verona, Italy
PO Box 7413 WEST LAKES SA 5021
+61 410 790 315
ABN 47 627 863 852
VASONGROUP incapsulates the know-how of the winemaking industry. Here, research, consulting and performance come together to give life to innovative solutions and products for winemaking and the food industry around the world.
The Group consists of two companies: Enologica Vason and Juclas.
Enologica Vason produces and markets biotechnology and adjuvants for the wine and beverage industry. The offer is completed by laboratory services and analysis, to support the customer throughout the production process.
JUCLAS is the beating heart of winemaking innovation, realizing state of the art plants and technologies for winemaking and the beverages sector. As the name suggests, it is known internationally for introducing the continuous clarification process for must: flotation.